Berlin-based studio Dadamachines have created an ingenious new way for people to make and compose music using virtually anything: trees, rolls of paper towels, bottles, piles of nails, actual instruments, or anything that can produce some sort of sound.

Their invention is called the automat toolkit and is being crowdfunded on Kickstarter. The campaign was launched March 29th and, at the time of writing this, has already raised nearly $90,000 – close to $70,000 over their goal of $21,502.

The toolkit starts the automat, a MIDI-controller with 12 DC outputs which are reserved for a set of modular motors. These are used to hit, rattle, or roll your sound producing item of choice. The motors can then be controlled and programmed by a tablet, computer or other midi controller.

If the modular motors aren't enough for you the DC outputs are universal so you can also plug in things like fans, LED lights or vibration motors. The automat toolkit is also entirely open source and easily hackable giving users limitless options for musical creativity.

The automat is giving back a sort of analog tangibility that has been lost in digital compositions and production.

With the potential of breathing new life and possibilities into grand live performances and small bedroom productions alike a single person can produce a track on their computer and play it live using the automat toolkit without ever touching an instrument and still not lose the feeling of live, analog music; giving a whole new meaning to a 'one man band'.

The automat toolkit is now available for exclusive pre-order on Kickstarter.